Friday, December 07, 2007

We Need The Church....

"We need the church that truly exists for the sake of others. We need a Church that gives up luxury so that other may have necessity. We need a Church that rejects the lone ranger mentality and lives in sacrificial and compassionate community. We need a Church that views money as a resource of God's Kingdom and not an object to be consumed. We need a Church that trusts the Spirit and takes risks for the sake of the Gospel. We need a Church that comes together to care for the poor in their backyards as well as those in the city."

A quote from a great article from Todd Hiestand called "The Gospel and the God-Forsaken: The Challenge of the Missional Church in Suburbia"

I work and minister in the suburbs, I am not a fan of the suburbs, I consider myself at times to be in my Samaria (John 4). God has been devastating me with my lack of love for suburbanites and for young adults that only care about their consumer satisfaction. These people are in need of the Gospel just like the drunken college student or homeless man downtown. In someways it is harder because the American Dream is telling them they are fine, therefore realizing they are in a fallen world is sometimes harder to do. I pray that as we head into the spring semester and come January when we start up our college gathering again God will use me to preach the Gospel, to live the gospel and to challenge these suburbanites with the holistic truths of the Gospel!!

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