Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mark Driscoll-Don't Be Google For God

Mark Driscoll pastor of Mars Hill Church will be at City on a Hill soon to be Mars Hill Albuquerque this Friday (7pm), and Sunday (11am and 7pm).
We are planning to get a group to head over there Sunday night at 7pm if you would like to come.

Below Mark shares about what to do when people ask tough questions about God, and how to be able to say "I don't know, but I'll find one", and actually doing the research.


Greg said...

He's also teaching on Friday night at 7 pm in an effort to get all the churches in ABQ to come together to reach this city with the gospel.

The Healthful Habit said...

Please tell me: What he said at 2:00. I am brazilian and I would like to know this expression.

Thank you and greetings from Brazil.

*my email: madafer@ig.com.br