Friday, June 13, 2008

Flooding in Iowa and the Sovereignty of God

Our worship leader Zach's former church in Iowa has been hit very hard due to the flooding. Scott Sterner the current worship minister there shares this hard and beautiful testimony of pain in loss, but trust in a Sovereign God during this time:

The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Today at 3:30 pm, in the midst of continued fervent efforts, city officials informed us that last nights heavy rains will result in the Iowa River cresting on Tuesday at 35 feet. This will put river water close to roof level. Hearing the news was difficult. All hopes on saving our facility were lost and emergency evacuation began immediately.

It is difficult to loose a facility that was laced with so many meaningful memories over the last 9 years, but in many ways the loss generates a deeper appreciation for those things that matter most, namely our faith in the sovereign hand of God and our appreciation for the body of Christ. Fond memories of working side by side with my brothers and sisters in Christ over these last three days have been very rich. New friendships have been formed and a greater appreciation for the value of community has been cultivated.

Click Here for Scott's blog "Deo Gloria"

Keep Parkview Church in Iowa in your prayers, God is good and wise even when we do not understand the whys we must trust Him!

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