Monday, October 16, 2006

Where My Joy is Found......

Oh Praise the one who paid my debt,
and raised this life up from the dead,
Oh Praise the one who paid my debt,
and raised this life up from the dead,
Oh Praise the one who paid my debt,
and raised this life up from the dead,

Working late, tired, feeling kind of sick, not really
enjoying life and having a victorious Christian "attitude"
whatever Joel Osteen thinks that may be.

This is my hope, this is my joy, this is my smile and my
passion, my esteem, my delight, my love and it has
nothing to do with me inasmuch as I
have had a hand in it!!!!!!

Oh Praise the one who paid my debt,
and raised this life up from the dead,
Oh Praise the one who paid my debt,
and raised this life up from the dead,
Oh Praise the one who paid my debt,
and raised this life up from the dead,

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